Whilst having a quick look on adtrader for a suitable replacement for our beloved Audi Avant Quattro, we found another one, exactly the same but red. Rang up to hear good stories of the car being owned by the present owner for the past 8 years with tales of good maintance in that time with many new parts, all sounding very sweet and rosey! So Pete and I set off for Axminster, just inside Devon on Thursday evening after work. Took ages to get to Axmister as the A35 is not the greatest road for a quick trip. Think we left work at 5.30ish and finally arrived just before 8.
Had a very quick look at the Audi before knocking on the door. She was a bit ropy compared to B770 CMC but worth a look. Knocked on the door to be greeted by a shortish, fatish, pony tailed scouser who was way to over friendly to begin with! We then endured a good half hour of the tails of his life story, from being an osteopath for Daily Thompson and the rest of the English athletics squad, being in a hit and run 11 years ago that broke his back in numerous places, tails of journey's in the Audi including a very detailed story of a 13.5 hour trip to somewhere on the east coast of England towing a Cat on a trailer. Loads of stories about cars that he owned including a Treser Audi.
By this time I was starting to get a bit annoyed, (I'm normally very laid back!) and started to make suggestions that we should have a look at the Audi. We finally managed to get out of the house, Pete did a great job of distracting him while I had a quick look round the car, It wasn’t bad really, but not as good as old B770 CMC, was kin of thinking that it would be ok but the man was still talking sh*t and really really getting on my nerves now…….so decided that we would be there for another couple of hours if we were going to buy it off him! I should point out that it was the day of my second wedding anniversary! So my wife was expecting me back pretty soon!! I couldn’t take the talking at anymore; we had to get out of there if my sanity was going to survive! So I told the man it wasn’t for us and tried to make excuses for why it wasn’t right, almost ended up in an argument because he wanted to know what was wrong with his car. His last words before we managed to get away was that his daughter had died on xmas eve, still not sure how that came into conversation, the man had sob story after sod story to tell. I think he was trying to get us on a guilt trip to buy the car!
Finally managed to get away but started to get worried that we would never get out of the town of Axmister! We made if back to my place in 55 minutes, driven by anger that the Pony tailed scouser had wasted a couple of hours of our lives! Google maps tells me that its 61.8 miles and that it would normally take 2 hours 8 mins to cover the journey, I think the Corrado got a bit of a canning that night.
Moral of the story, never trust a man with a pony tail. The hunt continues!!!!!!!